Compliance & Investigations

Compliance & Investigations

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While most companies and organizations adhere to the highest standards of integrity and service; there are times when incidents happen that require further investigation. Often this in one of two areas, white collar fraud and compliance.

Despite their best efforts, many companies and organizations are victims of fraud from both internal and external sources. As a result, customers and companies suffer financial loss, which is damaging not only in monetary terms, but also in reputation.  Just look at the precise damage done to Sony Corporation after their PlayStation Network was hacked only a couple of years ago.

Fraud investigations can help companies avoid losing $millions in fraudulent claims for example, which is one of the most high profile areas seen.  Our fraud investigations can warn when suspicious behavior or information is detected, and involves extensive investigative methods including physical and electronic surveillance.

We have conducted numerous fraud cases ranging in size up to $multi-million and have coordinated with Local, and Federal Law Enforcement agencies with the results of our findings.  From our findings, we then offer training and development to help our clients avoid the situation recurring.

Compliance investigation is necessary when there is a question as to whether a company is in violation of regulatory standards.

Along with monitoring legislation and litigation to ensure compliance, we also help to develop anti-fraud plans with the goal being compliance and acceptance by state and federal insurance regulators.

The most effective work we can do for our clients in the area of compliance is to audit and provide the peace of mind that comes with it to verify their practices before a problem arises, rather than investigating afterwards.

We have saved our clients $millions through our work in Compliance and Investigations not to mention the potential for harm to their employees and clients, and a brief overview of some of our more popular offerings are below:

-  Investigative Research & Services

– Fraud & Compliance

– Corporate Risk & Safety Consulting

– Background Research (Pre-Employment or Current Employment)

– Background Research (Other areas of interest)

– Fraud and Theft Investigations

– Forensics (Computer and Traditional)

– Due Diligence

– Surveillance

– Fraud and Theft Investigations

– Domestic Staff Vetting