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- The Criminal activities of Okke Ornstein, a.k.a Okke Van Ooijen prevail and continue in his meager procession of existence in the Paradise of Panama. On Thursday morning August 05, 2010 after about 10 days of searching for Okke Ornstein the law enforcement authorities in Panama informed WANTED SA that Okke Ornstein had fled Panama to Costa Rica knowing that authorities were wanting to have a ‘chat’ with Okke.

One of Okke most noted scams was the infamous TULIP FUND where Okke became directly involved in a series of criminal activities with his newest partner, one Marc Harris, in the Tulip Fund Scandal [more on this in the future] where investors were bilked out of their savings.
Okke was once asked after working with Marc Harris in cheating innocent people about his relationship with Marc and Okke quoted in writing that;

 “The closest friend that Okke has is Mark Harris and none other and that he had loved Marc as a brother.” Okke also when being in fear of being sent to prison turned on Marc Harris and testified against him to receive immunity. Okke's meal ticket was gone! No honor amongst criminals. Okke then married the mistress of Marc Harris.

Okke ‘brags’ and openly confesses to many of his criminal activities on various chat groups where he can hide his presence; however sometimes he can be seen in the same clothes he wore for several days which he calls his uniform and can be recognized by the strong odor of  unsanitary living.

On Wed, June 30, 2010 12:51:01 AM

“So, to answer someone else's question here: Yes, theoretically this could happen to anyone. In a totally corrupt country like Panama, I'm sure you can even have fake information planted in these databases for a "reasonable fee".
“I mean, it cost me only a 100 bucks to get someone's phone records, and bank account info is only slightly more, so go figure. “

Over the years Okke has become involved in various schemes in order to achieve riches, fame and fortune which all failed but not before many were hurt, reputations damaged and the pain that he has caused with his evil.

Paraguas Books is his latest venture and already the contents on the web site are full of fraudulent representations.

Okke Ornstein
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)

Domain servers in listed order:

Panama Immigration has advised one of our Investigative Lawyers here at WANTED SA that Okke is using the guise of PARAGUAS BOOKS as a method of attempting to gain residency in Panama by stating that he works for this so-called book company and receives a monthly salary from them.
 Panama Immigration has recently started an inquiry and discovered that NO such company, book store, or publishing firm is registered here in Panama. Said company does not have an office in Panama nor any address. In fact Okke has fabricated the entire company and registered the domain name in his own name with Go Daddy IN November of 2009.

So what is Paraguas Books in Panama?  Check it out or telephone them in Panama on a Cell and if you request information re sending them a manuscript you will be told to send it only by eMail and submit $1,000. Instructions will be given after the receipt of the Manuscript. Once your manuscript is "approved for publishing" you will need to submit to their publishing firm the amount of $10,000.00 USD to cover expenses.

A Scam? You decide!

To CONTACT  Paraguasbooks.com in Panama:
Typically, the best way to reach us is via email.
General questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Press requests: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submissions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
But you can also reach us by phone 9-5 EST, M-F.
United States: +1 347 410 9901
Latin America: +507 6563 7475

Okke Ornstein, co-publisher and editor!

This is a relatively new company and this is a recent photo of Okke. However, neither does this photo nor the recent photos of his passport and his driver’s license reflect the actual true image of Okke. (More of the Passport & Driver’s License Photos to follow).

In fact WANTED SA has recently been advised that Okke Ornstein is under investigation by several agencies such as Immigration, The Police and The Ministry of Commerce. Interpol also has questions re Okke driver’s license, passport, and the use of several other Netherlands Passport numbers in Panama.

Recently Okke posted an article lambasting North Americans for their criminal activities but, of course, neglects to mention the many criminal activities of Europeans such as the Serial Killer of women [from the Netherlands] who murdered women in the Dutch Antilles and in Latin America. And in many of his articles Okke demonstrates an unusual obsession with Pedophilia . . . . but (more of this to follow on WANTED SA).

Okke writes: “The so-called “expat community” acts surprised when “one of them” turns out to be a criminal, but the truth of the matter is that they invite these kind of scumbags by never asking questions, discouraging those who do, or even promoting their crooked ventures. In Boquete, the authorities insist on stricter border control after yet another crook had been captured. Calls can be heard for tougher immigration rules to keep these North American criminals out of the country, and the fact that the expat community seems more worried about this killer than about state-sanctioned murder doesn’t do their reputation much good either, especially in Bocas del Toro. We can already hear them whining.”

WANTED SA has been advised by a credible source that several more criminal charges are being filed this week with the Office of the District Attorney in Panama from a respected lawyer who was appointed several years by the Queen of England to the honor of Queen's Counsel. Okke to further his causes of Blackmail & Extortion decided to write several articles declaring the man dead which ahs caused massive harm to the man's children and family.

"Demented or the works of an Evil entity whose sole purpose in life is to blackmail, cheat, lie; however, not in the past but in the present? {Coming soon more exploits of Okke from the Netherlands}.

The Criminal Charges pending for Okke Ornstein keep piling up and increasing each week, as Okke continues his crime wave in Panama; however, Tick Tock – Tick Tock – his time is quickly running out.