If you have been following our coverage of Lawrence Heath vs. Leon Frazer & Associates, Inc., a civil suit, filed against a securities firm, to obtain client records, for the Cayman Gang of Four litigation, you know that no less than twice, counsel for the corporation has declined to produce its most senior director, William "Bill" Tynkaluk, from appearing to give testimony.

Bateman Lamb Buntain
Tynkaluk was the personal wealth adviser to the plaintiff, and he alone has first-hand knowledge of what happened to the plaintiff's investment account, which was in eight figures. He will also know about an estimated sixty other Leon Frazer clients, who accounts were drained, and transferred; the total amount that is missing is in the hundreds of millions, according to a government agency that has seen some of the filed complaints and claims.

Tynkaluk was the personal wealth adviser to the plaintiff, and he alone has first-hand knowledge of what happened to the plaintiff's investment account, which was in eight figures. He will also know about an estimated sixty other Leon Frazer clients, who accounts were drained, and transferred; the total amount that is missing is in the hundreds of millions, according to a government agency that has seen some of the filed complaints and claims.

William (Bill) Tynkaluk
The law firm representing Leon Frazer has stubbornly refused to produce Mr. Tynkaluk, and it is now claimed that he has abruptly retired, and relinquished his directorship, effective last Spring. How convenient for Leon Frazer, however, his sworn testimony is still being demanded. Sooner or later, the Court will order his appearance, but thus far, Tynkaluk is being hidden under the umbrella of one of Toronto's largest law firms, but is it to prevent him from incriminating both himself, and Leon Frazer ?
It is not an accident that one of the lawyers handling the case is an experienced criminal defense attorney, experienced in white-collar cases ; someone is going to need his services.
The law firm representing Leon Frazer has stubbornly refused to produce Mr. Tynkaluk, and it is now claimed that he has abruptly retired, and relinquished his directorship, effective last Spring. How convenient for Leon Frazer, however, his sworn testimony is still being demanded. Sooner or later, the Court will order his appearance, but thus far, Tynkaluk is being hidden under the umbrella of one of Toronto's largest law firms, but is it to prevent him from incriminating both himself, and Leon Frazer ?
It is not an accident that one of the lawyers handling the case is an experienced criminal defense attorney, experienced in white-collar cases ; someone is going to need his services.
Contributed by Kenneth Rijock
Posted by Andrei Slavenkov